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 Born in CLEGUEREC in Brittany in 1948, Jean-Guérec COGUENANFF, known as « GUEREC », built his imagination around the realist sculptures of central Brittany's churches.

     Without master nor muse, Guerec the sculptor thus created his own style, divided into 3 very well-defined periods. From 1978, he sublimes/glorifies the image of women as bald and skeleton-like. To him, hair is not entirely necessary.

     At the heart of Guerec's work, one can find the tormented human being, in constant pursuit of the truth. Irony is ever-present in his work, which can be described as "exhibits encompassing realism and cynism". For some, it is a "figurative mind and a cynical vision, at times verging on dark humour".  

     He remains very independent and individualist among the art world.

     Following the definition of beings, the second period of his art focuses on the human thought: war memories, science, medicine, the environment.

     The third period starts with the 21st century, a century he describes as "trash" with the series "2000 years AD".

     Page after page, you will discover his art with comments that are only meant as an "access key" because as he likes to say: "Artwork belongs to the person looking at it".

     Contact : Guérec
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